B2C Cross Border into China solution
With the rapid development of China’s e-commerce market, more and more brands have entered the Chinese market and achieved outstanding results. Choosing a suitable logistics solution is very important and can help brands save a lot of unnecessary costs. AFL Logistics will provide the logistics one stop logistics solution based on your products’ characteristics, and other important knowledge and regulations for cross-border e-commerce (CBEC):
BBC Bonded Warehouse Model
B2C Direct Shipping Imports
C2C Direct Mailing Imports
ETK postal
Personal Express
Understanding China Market Understanding Chinese Consumers

How to choose the right logistics solutions for China?
After introducing the main CBEC logistic solutions, we simply compared their basic status to help you better understand the differences between these models:
Which solutions to choose depends on the type, weight and value of the products. Companies should consider different import modes for different products if they want to take advantage of lower tax schemes.
Companies should take into account that their import modes can change dramatically over time. The advantages and disadvantages of each logistic solutions are summarized in the table below:

AFL of Cross-border Logistics Solution

AFL Logistics Key Competitiveness

How Can We Help?
- Contact Us Today
AFL Logistics Limited
Room C5, 11/F Wing Hing Industrial Building,
14 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel : +852 31535365
Fax: +852 31535389
E-mail : info@afllogistics.com.hk

Hong Kong